Exterior House Painting
Would you like to update the look of the exterior of your home?
When you look at the exterior painting on your home do you see flaking paint, unsightly mould, or an outdated colour scheme? Windows that don’t close properly and stairs, handrail and timber decking with wood rot are signs that your home needs some attention!
Need help creating street appeal to show off your home?
Of course, getting the exterior of your home painted would make a considerable difference to how it looks. But what about the literally thousands of colours to choose from? Are you stuck trying to decide where the colours should go to make the impression that you want?
We remove this roadblock with a colour selection guide that helps you choose colours you will love. We’re also available to give you the benefit of our experience over the hundreds of homes we have painted.
Contact Micah today on 0412 355 796 or complete the contact form below to get your exterior painting quotation.
What about flaking/blistering paint?
Yes, this is a major problem on Brisbane homes. The intensity of our Sun and weather is one reason that this happens. Left untreated, you risk the deterioration of your home and even more costly repairs down the track.
The first step is to have the condition of the exterior painting properly assessed. We will look at the level of deterioration and provide you with a straightforward plan to remove the unsound paint. Our comprehensive assessment will include a lead paint test as well as identifying asbestos substrates.
Removing the flaking paint with a combination of the latest dustless sanding tools along with good, old fashioned elbow grease is the task of our team. Once this is done, the exterior of your home will get a full wash down. Your home is now ready for the exciting bit – premium Dulux paint and new colours!
How do I get rid of this ugly mould?
Are there areas of your home that don’t get much sun and/or naturally moist? Do you have trees or shrubs that are close to the house? Is your exterior painting in bad shape? These conditions are perfect for mould to thrive.
The 3 step solution we provide kills the spores that contain the mould, prepares the surface properly and then applies Dulux Weathersheild which contains mould inhibitors.
Further to this, we can advise you on how to make practical changes to your home to reduce mould growth.
Who do I get to make some needed repairs?
Over time, it is normal for a house to move and for the windows and doors to become a bit “sticky”. Deterioration of the exterior paint allows the weather to damage steps, handrail and other bits of timber around the home.
If you don’t have the time or tools to make these repairs, we can include them as part of our service. For major repairs – like replacing whole staircases – we can organise our network of trusted tradespeople to give you advice that makes sense and service you can rely on.
Would you like to get your exterior paintwork looking its best again?
Contact Micah at Martin’s Professional Painting on 0412 355 796 or complete the contact form below to make an appointment for your painting quotation.