Queenslander Painting & Restoration

Are you looking to update or restore your Queenslander?

There’s a lot to love about the iconic Queenslander, however restoring, maintaining or updating these beautiful homes can create some challenges, especially when it comes to painting.

No need to fear, we’re here to help.

Exterior Queenslander Painting

Is the exterior of your Queenslander suffering from mouldy, blistered or flaking paint?

Painting Brisbane Workers Cottage

These are sure signs that the outside of your home is due to be repainted, but the prospect of repainting can be daunting. The thought of having to remove lead paint, work around asbestos or the deal with dust around the house is a real hassle, but it doesn’t have to be.

Testing for lead paint is simple and easy. If your are concerned about lead paint, we will carry out a lead paint test when we come to quote to paint your home. If the test is positive,  you can rest assured that we will remove the lead paint while keeping your family, neighbours and pets safe.

We will inspect the asbestos around your home to see if it is in sound condition or recommend experts if it needs to be removed. If it can be repainted, we will take the necessary precautions to protect you and your family.

Sanding the exterior timber surfaces of your home can be dusty and messy. When you choose us to paint your home, you won’t need to worry about the dust. We keep the outside of your home clean, neat and tidy with our dustless sanding system.

Would a Hamptons Inspired look suit your Queenslander? We can advise you on how to make it work for your home.

Contact Micah on 0412 355 796 to request a quote to paint your Queenslander


Interior Queenslander Painting

How do you make the most of the interior features of your Queenslander?

Interior Queenslander Painting in Brisbane

The interior of Queenslander homes are never short of beautiful details and distinctive characteristics. It can be hard to know whether to highlight its features, celebrate its heritage or give it a more modern makeover.

There are many things to consider when painting the interior of your Queenslander.

  • How do you know what colour to paint the skirtings?
  • Should you make a feature of the mid-rail or picture rail?
  • Do the VJ’s need to be brush finished or roll finished, gapped or left exposed?
  • Which finish is traditional?
  • Is modern always better?

The list can seem endless.

With hundreds of Queenslanders under our belt, we can offer advice and guide you through the decision making process so that at the end of the day, the paintwork will reflect the style and finish that you envision.

What plans do you have for your Queenslander? 

Contact Micah at Martin’s Professional Painting on 0412 355 796 or complete the contact form below to make an appointment for your painting quotation.

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